18-05-2009 星期一
在4月23日我用電郵向EntirelyPets.com訂購一些狗狗用品, 而這狗狗用品有些是幫朋友訂購的
This order consists of:
Qty Product Code - Product Name Price
1 COSDSCH650 - Cosequin DS CHEWABLES (650 Tablets) 167.99
1 002012 - Maxi-Guard Oral Gel (4 oz) 10.99
2 CETPASTE-1 - CET Pet Toothpaste (Beef) 8.98
2 014479 - Maxi-Guard Oral Cleansing Spray (118 ml) 21.98
1 TN117 - The Pug: Terra-Nova Dog Breed Series 15.25
Sub-Total: 225.19
Tax: 0.00
Shipping & Handling: 36.50
TOTAL: 261.69
在4月24日和25日, 我同樣用電郵向EntirelyPets.com提供了有關付款的信用卡資料.
US$26.69 對港幣 HK$2,067.60
提供付款資料後我等了差不多一個星期, 還未收到EntirelyPets.com有關包裹寄出的通知
最後在5月4日向EntirelyPets.com詢問, 這時才知道訂購的物品中, The Pug: Terra-Nova Dog Breed Series缺貨, 所以所有貨品未曾寄上但所有款項他們已收取了
在我追問過後, 他們才把已有的貨品立即寄上
大約10-15日可以寄到. 而缺貨的The Pug: Terra-Nova Dog Breed Series, 當有貨後會補寄給我, 那郵寄費用當然括免啦.
在5月14日收到郵局通知, 我的包裹已到本村的分局, 可以取回了


could u furnish me how to order the cosequin ds,
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/28/2009 22:36:00]EntirelyPets.com 網上訂購
Hi, 請問over usd 100 寄到香港都是免郵費嗎 ?
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/02/2009 00:18:00]都係要俾郵費, 我上次要Shipping & Handling: 36.50
佢網上FREE 的意思係FOR 國內某D地區
回覆刪除Thank you for placing an order with EntirelyPets.com. Your order has not been cancelled. Please DO NOT place another order, or you might be double charged. In order to process your current order, please provide us with the security code for the credit card you used. This is usually the additional 3 digits located on the back of your credit card. We have the following billing and credit card information on file:
[版主回覆04/23/2012 23:56:33]我都係照俾, 無法. 你頂多用張最少credit 額的資料俾佢