23-02-2012 星期四
Frontline = 毒? 應否繼續使用?
What Are the Dangers of Frontline? http://www.ehow.com/about_5448397_dangers-frontline.html#ixzz1npzedD4F
我已知有些朋友已停用Frontline滴劑, 轉用噴的, 而且轉用天然噴劑.
雖然我已幫pi pi由每月用Frontline滴劑, 轉為隔月用, 而在出草地或行山活動時, 我會幫pi pi噴上天然噴劑, 仲會隔幾小時補噴. 平時PI PI 還戴有防牛蜱帶.
網友見意用Frontline滴劑日後睇埋季節/天氣……春夏秋用, 但冬天停用, 還有情况天氣而定.
而停用Frontline滴劑, 我還是15/16考慮中.
Frontline滴劑所謂防蚤防牛蜱原理係︰ Fleas(跳蚤)and Ticks(牛蜱)咬落動物身上後吸吮血時, 同時吸吮到Frontline 的毒藥後死亡, 而如果跳蚤或牛蜱本身有卵, Frontline Plus滴劑可把體內的卵殺死, 預防再繁殖落去. 但如果牛蜱本身有tick fever (高溫牛蜱熱)都會傳染俾動物的.
Frontline並非預防得到tick fever……相信這點你和我都知.
造成牛蜱熱(Tick Fever)的原生菌就躲在牛蜱的口水中,當牛蜱分泌含抗凝血劑的口水來吸血的時候, 牛蜱菌(Babesia)就會趁機進入狗狗血液中,躲在狗狗的紅血球裡開始繁殖。這時狗狗的白血球就會啟動防衛機制,寧枉勿縱的開始瘋狂攻擊紅血球,以殺死躲在紅血球中間的牛蜱菌。 而牛蜱菌也會破壞紅血球,但真正對紅血球的破壞主要還是來自白血球的不分敵我的瘋狂屠殺!這時所有的測試都會指向自我免疫系統的溶血性貧血, 但其實主要原因是躲在紅血球裡的間諜!
食慾不振、 精神不好、體重減輕、 倦怠、 偶爾嘔吐、尿尿顏色變深或有褐色或橙色的尿 (溶血後的血紅素露了出來)、發燒、牙肉和舌頭蒼白、發燒、因肺出血而呼吸困難等,但有部份狗狗的病徵並不明顯
而如果狗狗本身健康/抵抗力好, 跳蚤和牛蜱係唔會走上動物身體上的.
我朋友試過……同一個草地, 平時同狗狗去玩/散步無事, 忽然有2-3日行完返屋企見到狗狗身上有跳蚤. 事後傾開才知狗狗那2-3日精神有少少差, 但都有精神食和玩的……所以治標治本預防跳蚤或牛蜱上身方法, 首要係提升身體免疫力!

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What Are the Dangers of Frontline?
Frontline is a popular pet medication used to prevent flea infestation in dogs and cats. While fleas are a nuisance to pets and households, there are some concerns about the use and potential hazards of Frontline as a flea preventative. Adverse effects stemming from the active ingredient in Frontline have been identified for people, pets and other wildlife.
Frontline is a popular flea treatment for dogs and cats. Manufactured by Merial Pharmaceuticals, the active ingredient in Frontline is fipronil, licensed for use in veterinary medicine as a pesticide. Frontline is applied topically and absorbed through the skin of dogs and cats to prevent flea infestations which can cause skin and health issues for pets and households. According to the manufacturer, Frontline is waterproof and is a veterinarian-recommended flea and tick preventative.
Fipronil, the primary active ingredient found in Frontline, is an insecticide from the phenylpyrazole chemical family. It is used not only for flea and tick solutions like Frontline but in other pesticides used for insect management. Fipronil is a common ingredient for solutions managing ants, beetles, cockroaches, termites and other infestations. On its own, fipronil is a white power. As an active ingredient in Frontline, fipronil is part of a liquid solution designed to protect the animal as it stores in sebaceous glands in the skin. Fipronil destroys insects by disrupting the normal function of the nervous system in insects and is considered more toxic to insects than human and animals.
Hazards for Dogs
Despite fipronil and Frontline's determined safety for animals as a flea preventative, there has been controversy over how safe these products are in long term pet health. According to Whole Dog Journal, a monthly dog care and training publication, the active ingredient found in Frontline is a chemical that has demonstrated potential for nervous system and thyroid toxicity after long term exposure. Even at low dosages, it has been determined that fipronil can potentially cause skin problems, reproductive and hormone issues.
Hazards for Humans
Though application instructions provide instructions for people in applying Frontline on their pets, there is still risk and concern in handling Frontline for the owner. Instructions indicate not to allow the solution to come in contact with human skin. In the event that it does, it is advised to wash the hands immediately and avoid touching other parts of the body. Direct, short-term contact with the skin can result in minor irritation. If ingested, Frontline's active ingredient can cause nausea, headaches, stomach pains, sweating and even seizure. While Environmental Protective Agency research is inconclusive on fipronil's cancer causing effects on humans, it is still classified as a possible human carcinogen.
Hazards for Wildlife
According to the Journal of Pesticide Reform, flea prevention medications like Frontline persist on the skin of an animal treated with the solution for as long as 56 days. During that time, the animal will likely have contact with people and its greater environment. As a general pesticide, the active ingredient fipronil is considered toxic to birds, lizards, fish and other animals, even in minute concentrations with research showing clear adverse effects in reproduction.
By CL Hardy, eHow Contributor
Read more: What Are the Dangers of Frontline? | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_5448397_dangers-frontline.html#ixzz1npzedD4F
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用網上轉換 http://www.worldlingo.com/en/websites/url_translator.html
Frontline是用於的一個普遍的寵物療程防止蚤大批出沒在狗和貓。 當蚤是討厭對寵物和家庭時,有對用途的一些不安和Frontline潛在危險作為蚤預防物。 源於有效成分在Frontline的不利影響為人、寵物和其他野生生物被辨認了。
Frontline是一種普遍的蚤治療為狗和貓。 由Merial Pharmaceuticals製造,有效成分在Frontline是fipronil(芬普尼),准許用於獸醫作為殺蟲劑。 申請得Frontline典型地并且通過狗和貓皮膚被吸收防止可能導致皮膚和健康問題為寵物和家庭的蚤大批出沒。 根據製造商,Frontline是防水的并且是獸醫被推薦的蚤和壁虱預防物。
Fipronil,在Frontline發現的主要有效成分,是殺蟲藥從phenylpyrazole化學製品家庭。 它不僅為蚤和壁虱解答使用像Frontline,但在用於昆蟲管理的其他殺蟲劑。 Fipronil是一種共同的成份為處理螞蟻、甲蟲、蟑螂、白蟻和其他大批出沒的解答。 獨自, fipronil是白色粉末。作為一種有效成分在Frontline, fipronil是被設計的一種液體解答的一部分保護動物作為它存放在皮脂腺在皮膚。 Fipronil通過打亂神經系統的正常功能在昆蟲比人毀壞昆蟲和被認為毒性對昆蟲和動物。
儘管fipronil和Frontline的被確定的安全為動物作為蚤預防物,有關於怎樣的爭論保險櫃這些產品在長的期限寵物健康。 根據整體狗學報,月度狗關心和訓練出版物,在Frontline發現的有效成分是在長的期限曝光以後展示了在神經系統和甲狀腺毒力的潛力的一種化學製品。 在低劑量,它被確定fipronil可能潛在地導致皮膚問題,再生和激素問題。
雖然應用指示為人在申請Frontline提供指示在他們的寵物,有寂靜的風險和不安在處理Frontline為所有者。 指示表明不允許解答與人的皮膚聯繫。 在它情況下,它被勸告立刻洗手和避免接觸其他身體部位。 直接,短期聯絡與皮膚可能導致較小激怒。 如果咽下,Frontline的有效成分可能導致噁心、頭疼,胃痛,甚而冒汗和奪取。 當環境防護代辦處研究是非決定性的在導致作用對人時的fipronil的癌症,它仍然被分類作為一種可能的人的致癌物質。
根據殺蟲劑改革學報,蚤預防療程像Frontline在動物的皮膚堅持對待與解答為,只要56天。 在那時,動物可能將有聯絡與人和它的更加巨大的環境。 作為一般殺蟲劑,有效成分fipronil被認為毒性對鳥,蜥蜴、魚和其他動物,甚而在詳細的集中以顯示清楚的不利影響的研究在再生產