今日我又去見Dr. Ann-si這位中獸醫來個針灸了
而今又針針見前, 姐姐早2天給Dr.發個email, 告知她我2月2-8日腸胃炎的情況, 也告知她梁醫生給我什麼藥和暫停了中藥粉數天
Dear Dr. Ann-si
PiPi vomited some yellow liquid in the morning on the 2nd of February 2013. Since PiPi made an appointment for his annual body check, therefore we took him to the clinic and did the blood test and urine analysis. In the meantime, we stopped his herbs treatment
Again, PiPi vomited the dinner that he ate the night before, which is respectively on the 3rd of February around 2:00am and the 4th of February around 5:00am. From the 6th to the 8th of February, his feces were in a gel form and seems to be consistency and soft.
On the 8th of February 2013, we took PiPi to see a veterinarian. His diagnosis was gastroenteritis. And the next few days, PiPi took the medicine (Sucralfete 500mg, Anti-D (Lantacid) tablet & Salazopyrin (Sulfasalazine) 500gm). Therefore, PiPi was stopped the herbs since the 2nd of February 2013 and restarted the herbs treatment on the 14th of February 2013. (Herbs︰XIAO CHAI HU TANG, SI JUN ZI TANG & DU HUO JI SHENG TANG
I have booked a 6 in 1 vaccines on the 20th of Feb for PiPi.
See you on the 19th of February 2013 in the Mid-level's Clinic at 4:00pm.

今天先到Bernice姐姐公司樓下交收東西, 之後依自動電梯上到中半山診所

可能哥哥已抱我行了這自動電梯3次了, 所以夠膽自己站在自動電梯上

今天上磅, 有12.45kg. 可能早前腸胃炎, 所以瘦了少許, 但相信很快會長回肥肉
上次針灸一腳踢走腳趾罅3支針(=゚ω゚)ノ http://blog.yahoo.com/silvia-pipi/articles/902802

但針針背脊(脾臟穴位)時很痛痛,所以忍在住E 牙了( ̄皿 ̄///)

施針時和之後, ming姐姐不停用食物引誘我, 分散我的注意力

Dr. 向哥哥姐姐說, 狗狗有嘔的情況其實身體本身是已出現一些問題才會這樣. 試想想人或毛孩身體沒問題的話那會有嘔的呢?
所以她叫姐姐試從外國訂一隻藥給我, 這藥給常嘔人和毛孩是有一定幫助
Azeo-Pangen - Metagenics (Pancreatic enzymes)
另外, Dr. Ann-si 對一年一支的預防有所微言……她總覺得一年一支太多了, 3年一支還可接受, 所以叫姐姐請幫我打預防針的醫生幫我做個血液測試, 有關Distemper Protective Titers, Vaccine Titer Testing之類的測試
姐姐見過去碌碌艾和按摩給我的成果後, 她話之後也要加油幫我碌碌艾和按摩
所以她叫姐姐試從外國訂一隻藥給我, 這藥給常嘔人和毛孩是有一定幫助
Azeo-Pangen - Metagenics (Pancreatic enzymes)
另外, Dr. Ann-si 對一年一支的預防有所微言……她總覺得一年一支太多了, 3年一支還可接受, 所以叫姐姐請幫我打預防針的醫生幫我做個血液測試, 有關Distemper Protective Titers, Vaccine Titer Testing之類的測試
姐姐見過去碌碌艾和按摩給我的成果後, 她話之後也要加油幫我碌碌艾和按摩